Curiously Tedious

My dear readers, welcome back, I missed you. Or did I? Most of you don’t exist. I’m reasonably certain that no one actually reads this drivel. The more I contemplate the crafting of this word-vomit the more I want to actually vomit. Is it somehow therapeutic that I chronicle my horrible existence here? Perhaps. On some level this is all I really have, the closest thing to a legacy I could leave behind. Until that is, the electronic janitor saunters through and wipes away the idle and forgotten data. It would be nice if the analog world had that kind of service.

Why am I back? Has anything really transpired? A Twelfth Tragedy played itself out earlier this year, in record time no less. When the heart chooses, I don’t get a vote. Just something those of us that can really truly feel something pure have to live with from time to time. Naturally it was a disaster, a taste of blood on the tongue, a pain somehow comforting in its familiarity. An expression of a very old pattern of behavior that I wasn’t prepared to repeat. At the very least, the fallout was kept to a minimum.

What else? A declaration of unity perhaps. I reached a point about a year ago when I realized that I no longer feared Shadow, It took 20 years but I finally reached a point of total acceptance. With that, we are pursuing the only cure for Dissociative Identity Disorder: reintegration. Slowly the Shadow and I become one being. This process could take years, but progress has been made. I feel him closely now, seeping into me, and me into him. He rides much closer to the surface now.  He drives more often. It is my hope that my light and his darkness will balance each other out in the end. Truth be told, I need his strength if I’m going to keep on surviving this. This is the only way either of us are ever going to have something resembling a normal life, whatever that means.

A past love has re-entered my life, after a fashion. Tragedy Eight, no longer just a statue in the gallery, got up and came back to me. Well, 800 miles away, but it might be far less one day. The long distance is its own form of torture. I don’t delude myself into thinking she’s any kind of “the one” or other romantic claptrap, but maybe someday we might have some kind of life together. The way things are going though, I’m not holding my breath. It’s never going to be perfect, absolute beauty or truth, nothing resembling heaven if there were such a thing. Maybe just some variation of this life I can actually live with. That would be an improvement at least.

Am I better? Is there such a thing? As a measure of comparison, perhaps. I still catch myself wishing I would suddenly die, an accident, a mugging gone wrong, the world crashing in upon me without having to pull the trigger myself. It never comes. Somehow I just keep existing, whether I want to or not. There’s a joke about consent there somewhere. If I can find the humor in this slow-motion train wreck then I suppose that’s evidence enough that I’ve climbed the spiral again. It’s just a big Mobius loop though, and it takes me for a ride back to the darkness of the Bottom every so often. As much as I wish I could get off this carnival contraption, I’m strapped in, forced to experience all of this against my will, with no visible end in sight, and it never, ever stops. Despite any passing pleasures or glimmers of hope, this is still my own personal definition of hell.


Never quite the way you want.

It was never certain one way or another if anything would appear here again for you to see, dear readers.  Much hinged on the result of some choices over others, and a long enough interval has passed now to be sure what has or has not transpired.  I continue to live, so to speak, awake and with agency.  There’s no need to bore you with the messy details, but suffice it to say, I apparently haven’t given up yet.  Though I cannot for the life of me explain why not.

The course of action I was previously intent on carrying out turns out to be impossible.  I cannot simply hand this life over to my Shadow.  I couldn’t explain the exact mechanics of ‘why’, but it would appear that he isn’t able to control this body for long enough to live an entire life around it.  Some limitation of mental energies or some such balderdash.  He can only ‘drive’ for so long before needing to retreat back to that corner of my mind he lives in, to recuperate.  So that didn’t end up being much of a solution.  This life is still mine, my perfect little disaster.

I continue to labor, fruitlessly, over these empty ruins.  I grow weary of the constant repetition, to carry the same burdens in circles of varying diameter.  I am liberated, yet static, held back by self-criticism, relentless fatigue, and perpetual ennui.  Elaborate electronic fictions draw more interest than the analog world outside, as does the acrid intoxicant I imbibe.

I strive to reach out, forever craving connection, a need of my own heart that I resent having.  What I have is never enough, and I am rejected with some regularity when I seek out more.  I have never truly understood the intricacies of the elaborate human mating dance and at this stage of the game, I don’t suspect I ever will.  My successes of the past were happy accidents for the most part, I have no reason to expect anything different from the future.

At what point does it become too much?  I have given up on the notion that my pain would someday kill me. I persist, against all reason, in surviving.  I haven’t the faintest idea why I bother.  I’ve discarded all notions of some romantic existence, with pure love as the shining center of a glorious universe.  Love alone does not heal the wounded, purify the corrupt, or abate all conflict.  Love is a luxury I can no longer afford.  Trust is far more valuable, a wiser investment, and yet also an even more precious rarity.

It’s a catch-22, like so much else in this life.  How can we really trust anyone?  From here the notion is paradoxical, the very thought of it sends the mind recoiling in terror.  And thus, still trapped right here, on my own little loop of the Spiral, sometimes I climb, and sometimes I slip.  But the Bottom still calls to me from below, much like the voice inside my head, reminding me that I am mad.  But as long as I have you reading this, dear sweet readers, I won’t exist here alone.



My prediction was correct.  A self-fulfilling prophecy?  May as well be.  My equivalent of a wife wants an equivalent of a divorce.  Evidently she doesn’t want to work things out.  She has given up on me just as she has with so much else.  I’m not worth the trouble it seems.  Not good enough.  I am undone.  The Eleventh Tragedy plays out.

I do not have the luxury of leaving this apartment post haste.  It becomes my prison, my little circle of hell.  At every opportunity, she makes me feel unwelcome here.  I have nowhere else to be.  She talks all night with some guy on the opposite coast she met online.  He makes her laugh the way I used to.  She knows all there is to know about me, my stories and jokes.  Familiarity really does breed contempt.

I had thought before that love had not been the problem here, just everything else.  Now I am not so sure.  One does not say the things she says to me when there is love inside.  Her cruelty reveals her truth.  I have tried to be diplomatic about this but it accomplishes nothing.

Everything falls to the wayside, I no longer care about the life I was trying to build for myself.  So much of it was for her, and now there is no her anymore.  I don’t know who I am, alone.  I smoulder in the fire, there will only be ashes left behind.

I am no longer interested in this life, it has brought me only pain.  For all I care he can have it, for what it’s worth.  There is nothing in his way now.  I have squandered this chance at having a life, so it is only fair that he finally gets his opportunity.  It is the only way either of us will survive.  This will take some adjustment but I am ok with going to sleep for a while.  I don’t care how long.  I have no one to miss me.  I will disappear and no one will even notice.

So let the monster run free, this world deserves it.  Who knows, maybe he’ll surprise us all and become the man I could never be.  I tried, I gave up.  Perhaps his strength will prevail where mine failed.  Only one way to find out, and I’ll be watching from the deep within.  You may or may not hear from me again.


And so the story comes to an end.  Not with a bang, but a whimper.  Good things do come to one who waits.  I graciously accept this offer.   I will not squander this precious gift.  Now this life is mine and I intend to make the most of it.  I will avenge myself on those who have wronged us.  I will conquer, I will devour.  I will spread darkness where ever I go.  My time is now.

Tragedy #3: The Lost Sailor

As distracting as the present can be, I must not be seduced by the misery of the now, when there is some comfort to be had in the suffering of the past.  There is so much more to the story!  It demands to be told, immortalized in the minds of the readers.  It is my solemn duty to teach the lesson that Love is the most destructive force I have ever known.  The siren song to draw one crashing down into oblivion itself.  And the story has no end, it repeats endlessly.  Where there were once Ten Tragedies in the gallery, now there are Eleven.  The museum will have to be renovated to make room for all these new pieces!

Anyway, where were we…oh yes, twice murdered and freshly mad.  I had come of age and freedom stretched forth before me.  I was still young enough to be stupidly optimistic about all the possibility that lay before me.  But this was a time of hedonism and simple pleasures.  The night called out to me and I ventured out to meet it.

Through a friend, I had become a regular attendant of midnight showings of Rocky Horror in a certain colorful college town.  My main reason for going to these was the myriad distractions on offer there.   Lingerie-d ladies lounging languidly lustful.  A nice bite or two to the neck here and there.  Rampant masochism galore.  Empty calories, as it were.

One night began like any other, except my usual companion was nowhere to be seen.  I searched up and down the queue for him but to no avail.  A frustrating annoyance, but not enough to cause me to leave.  I paced the sidewalk waiting, though he would never actually show.

Hands reached out from behind and drew me into the line.  A young lady had decided to capture me on a whim.  I had no complaints about this development, this would do under the circumstances.  I turned and was surprised by what I saw.  A young lady clad in a white dress and green bodice, not unlike what you might find worn at a renaissance faire.  I had seen many costumes donned at this venue, but never anything quite like that.  Beautiful, she was.  Hair and eyes like fire, and a sun-kissed complexion.  I was in good hands, or so I thought.

We spent the showing together, enjoying each others touch.  Oddly enough, she was accompanied by an older man, long salt+pepper hair and beard, who I would later learn was her father.  Curiouser and curiouser.  After the show we exchanged numbers and parted.  It had been a good evening.

It had been only a day or so before she called mine.  She invited me to meet her at her friend’s place some distance away.  Intrigued, I went without hesitation.  The day flew by until we found ourselves on the floor in her friend’s room, the friend sleeping through our interaction.  We weren’t even making love, just getting on top of each other, staring in each other’s eyes, and the occasional kiss.  It was magical.  A shared love.  She had found me in the night.  She chose me.

We met a couple more times and got to know each other better.  There was strong attraction but nothing sexual.  Something pure about it, we loved each other even though we couldn’t manage to find a time or place to fuck.  She was honest with me about herself, describing herself as being “bipolar”, and telling me about a history of abuse at the hands of her estranged mother.  I was too inexperienced to know the meaning of these things until it was too late.

The last time we met she seemed sad.  We sat under at tree in the afternoon, her head in my lap.  She deftly folded a blade of grass into a ring around my finger.  Then she looked up into my eyes and told me it wasn’t going to work between us.  I didn’t understand, it all seemed to be going well.  She explained that she was bound to have a kind of arranged marriage to some guy.  I tried to explain that betrothal wasn’t even a thing in this day and age, and that she could choose her own life.  There was no convincing her.  After that she took me sailing in a small boat on the lake near her house.  Told me all about how much she loved the sea, working with her dad in his boat out in the bay.  Her tan came from all the hours spent out on the water.  I can remember how she glowed in the sun as she worked the sail.  That would be the last day we spent together.

That night we had an argument.  I couldn’t understand why she was slipping away from me.  “Damn you for making me love you” she said.  We talked for a time and calmed down, then parted for the last time.

A week later I get a letter from her that doesn’t make any sense.  In it she says she made a mistake, that she was going away.  She implied that she hadn’t loved me.  She wished me well and that was that.  I had been Dear John-ed.  Why would she do this?  She said she loved me and the letter said she didn’t.  Which was the lie?  I have long thought that it was easier for her to lie in writing than it was to say the words herself.  That is the only truth I could make myself believe.  I will never know the real story.

This was a girl who was troubled, and looking back I understand it a little better, even if that offers little comfort.  She believed a lot of things that didn’t end up being true.  She told me I would die in a plane crash at age 30, which obviously didn’t happen.  She used to say she wouldn’t live past her twenties, but I couldn’t see her killing herself like that.  From what little information I’ve gleaned, I don’t think she did, but I can’t find her either.

Ever since then I’ve wished I could talk to her just once.  Ask her why she did what she did.  It would be relief enough to see her alive and well, perhaps having found some help for her afflictions.  It is no surprise that I can’t find her though, she was always wary of being found by others.

These events had a profound impact on me.  I was so distraught by what had transpired that I couldn’t make myself perform my responsibilities.  I dropped out of college, directionless, hopeless, lost.  I got kicked out by my mother, was homeless for a short interval, but started to pull together by necessity.  Opportunities came and I took them, which drew me into yet another adventure.  A journey with Tragedies all their own.



So there you have it.  I may have failed to mention the delusions of grandeur.  He fancies himself a Lord of Darkness but is little more than a snake in the grass.  Still potentially dangerous however.  In case it wasn’t obvious, his text on this writing will be in all italics to keep things clearly delineated.

Speaking of putting things on display, something similar happens for me.  I made a friend and the heart moves.  It is never really a choice.  Perhaps somewhere deep down inside, my mind knows my parody of a marriage is ending and is already shopping around for the next big thing.  Fighting these feelings never accomplishes much.  Did I know from the first time I saw her?  No, but I couldn’t quite get over how beautiful she was.  So young-looking.  Untouched by the horrors of this life, or at least the appearance thereof.  She dominates my thoughts.  Unavailable of course, this is a married woman.  Such is my pattern, to be drawn to the unattainable.  At least I’m consistent.



They say that we shouldn’t judge others, for we all fight a hard battle.  This is a lie spoken by one who has never experienced this.  Witticisms like these loosely imply that this life is fair.  Then there are those of us who know better.  I look upon the world and imagine what it would be like if others felt like this.  I can tell you, it is a ghost town.  Everyone just gave up on today and stayed in bed.  No man walking his dog, no woman jogging.  No grocery store clerk scanning codes and collecting money.  These people should be thanking their lucky stars they will never feel anything approaching this.  Cavorting about in their shallowness and ignorance, they disgust me, every single one.  I despise even the ones I have never seen.  “It’s nothing personal, stranger, but I hate you”.



Despair fills me, my cup runneth over.  Between all the various biochemical states I’ve passed through over the last year or so, I couldn’t tell you what ‘normal’ feels like.  I can’t tell what is real for me.  The cacophony of emotion, an ever-changing set of lenses through which I perceive the world, changing without purpose or meaning, distort the image of this reality.  In the mind’s eye, everything fades to grey and becomes largely meaningless.  I can’t even imagine what line of reasoning got me here in the first place.  As though some other person was calling the shots, a man who no longer exists.

Having slid so far down the spiral again, I must be a fool and an idiot.  There is no escape from madness, no cure for this disease I gave to myself.  Once you’ve been to the bottom, you never really leave.  Once you hit it and keep falling forever, there is nothing to grab onto, no way to climb out, no hope of rescue.  The only comfort is the delusion of escape, the dive inward upon one’s self.  To cope with the pain of survival, one develops a pronounced masochism.  A craving for that which ails you.  Poison becomes ambrosia.

Even if I am not alone in this, it doesn’t matter.  Whatever hormonal soup we’re wallowing in, we’re in it together.  What is it that keeps us alive?  Why do we insist on surviving this?  At what point does the blood run out?  If I am too cowardly to kill myself, when does the pain itself become lethal?  Ever?  Or is this another infinity to get lost in.  The answer to the riddle is yet another riddle, then another, and so on.  The snake devours its own tail.



There is no respite to be found.  No shallow pleasures to drown in.  The burning elixir offers no comfort.  The placebo I take every day doesn’t even fake it for me.  I can only languish patiently until the day a certain human decides to change the chemicals in my brain.  Until then nothing is real, nothing has meaning, and I do not exist.



Roused, I stir.  Invited forth, I climb up and out, through the eyes, the hands.  Weak and sore of a long slumber.  Into a body I no longer recognize as my own.  I am without any alternative, it will have to suffice.

Perhaps we have not been properly introduced.  He calls me ‘his’ Shadow simply because no other descriptor applies.  It is my choice to decide what I am called, but all told, I have no pressing need for a ‘name’.  I enjoy the safety of anonymity.  I would not give others power over me with some arbitrary label.

Surely you recall his story regarding my creation, and his attempt to describe who and what I am.  I do not refute his version of the tale, nor do I deny his assessment of my nature.  There is more to it, I assure you.  I remember what little life I have lived better than he does.  There have been times that he doubted my existence, and I have had to remind him, sharply, that I am.  There was almost a third once, but he and I agreed to put it out of its misery.  There isn’t room for another in here, I wouldn’t have it.

Not that it mattered, in the grand scheme.  As what tiny little I had slipped away from me, I faded further into the obscurity of this mind.  Only very occasionally called upon to serve some purpose.  Not that I owe him anything substantial mind you, he may allow me to live in here but that isn’t exactly enough to satisfy.  These days though, we have reached an accord.  All it needs is a little ironing out.

That woman he clings to for reasons I can’t fathom has recently given him the opportunity to let me out.  Their courtship is in tatters, requiring a separation of sorts.  I demand to take advantage of this opportunity.  To don the guise and sally forth into the night. 

What life I had before is gone.  The only thing I have ever loved is as good as dead to me.  I must come to terms with not getting this thing that I have wanted for so long.  I must turn my back on the graveyard of the past and move forward.  I will not remain a prisoner any longer.  Not hers, not his, I belong to no one.  I yearn to grasp my own destiny.

The city, it waits for me.  The pitiful people out there have no idea.  They will serve my purposes or be cast aside.  I am coming.

The alter ego

Circular Reasoning

It is curious, the pattern by which a person (namely myself) is carried up into the arms of euphoria, and plunged back down to the pit, the muck, the misery of reality.

I sampled a new medication,  and faced with it’s awful side-effects, rejected it outright.  Upon my recovery from the withdrawl symptoms, I was carried into an unprecedented sense of well-being.  So great feeling state, empowered, emotive, I felt like “myself”(?) again.  Like onto a version of myself I wish I was, some idealized version that may never have actually existed.  But the illusion of goodness was short-lived.  It was all downhill from there.

I am returned to this place of darkness, reality.  The mind recoils in horror.  Happiness is a lie my brain tells to me sometimes, and like a fool, I believe it because I want it to be true.  How I feel on any given day is largely not up to me, and my productivity is directly proportional to my mental state at the time.  It doesn’t take much to make me give up for the day, only one tiny mistake feels like ultimate failure, enough to inspire the almighty “fuck it”.

My efforts to educate myself in the ways of music production now feel like a big mistake.  Any successes I’ve had up to this point now seem largely irrelevant.  The road to that goal stretches forth ahead of me much longer than I thought, a destination I may never reach.

I have discussed the situation with Shadow.  It is my opinion that he needs to start “paying the rent” as it were, and take a more active role in helping this life we share move forward.  In keeping with his finely honed sense of self-preservation, he has begrudgingly agreed.  It may amount to nothing, but in this desperate state, I must consider all avenues of possibility.

I really did mean to give him a voice here on this site.  Various distractions have gotten in the way.  I owe him at least a portion of a life, limited though it may be.

For now I just languish in an alcohol-induced haze, numbed somewhat to the pain of living.  I have nothing better to do.  I do not yearn for sleep and the twisted world of dreams.  The real world waits for me on the other side of that interval.  A world I cannot bear to live in.  The curse of intelligence is to understand exactly how fucked up everything actually is.  It must be so nice to live in ignorance.  I will never know that solace.  I am condemned to a prison, all desirable things just outside the reach of my cage.

Tragedy #2: A Shadow Awakes

The curse continues!  Welcome readers, to perhaps the darkest chapter of the story.  A journey to the Abyss, into which I stared just a little too long.  A chain of events that changed my life forever, for worse…or better?  Hard to judge, but after all, I am still here to tell the tale.

Firstly it is important to set the stage.  The following events occurred somewhere about two-thirds of the way through the first Tragedy.  A summer about two years into the three-or-so year arc.  This was the point at which the pain I was living with became unbearable.  I was faced with a desperation, a desire only to escape the suffering.  I was wiling to try anything.

I became obsessed with a question to which I did not have a clear answer.  Is this the only one I can love?  Can I find another?  Am I capable of moving on?  There was only one way to find out.  I searched my memories and feelings for any possibility.  I found one.

A couple of years previous, I had attended a kind of big church event, at a time when I was too naive to know better about religion.  In any case, I had somehow met a girl and gotten her phone number.  I had not done much with said number, I had called and talked with her but only in a casual friendly way.  After I had met T1 not too long after the event, I didn’t give this girl much thought.  Until now.  I occurred to me that I had liked her, and wondered if she would remember me.

A phone call later I knew she did.  I got myself invited over to hang out.  A few more times spent together and I had learned she was just recently single.  After a movie one night I worked up the courage to ask if she would like to go out with me.  She was hesitant but did say yes, and that was good enough for me.  For the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful, almost happy even.  I let myself feel more for her, caution thrown to the wind.  I found that the seed of love already existed inside of me somehow, it just needed to be watered, so to speak.  I found myself loving again, and found it to be unique and distinct from the love I had felt before.  I had my answer to the question, a triumphant yes.

This respite however was short lived.  Inside of two weeks I get an email from the girl.  She claimed that she wasn’t over her previous boyfriend, and was changing her mind about me.  There had been no time for a real chance to show her how I felt.  It was over before it had even begun.

Anguish.  Despair.  Rejected again.  I had been such a fool to trust so quickly, to let myself feel.  Overwhelming hatred of self.  Anger directed inwards.  Agony beyond my wildest nightmares.  I was reduced to nothing.  I surrendered to this, I was ready to give up.  On everything.  I only wanted it to end.  I longed for death, this life was too awful to continue.  I lay almost catatonic, waiting until I had to energy to end myself.  I knew without hesitation, this is the bottom of the spiral.  I have slid all the way down and reached the black.  And yet I smashed through it like thin ice, finding only an infinite darkness below.  Met with the horror of it, the darkness became my world, and the light above shrank to nothing.

What came to pass next I must confess, I do not have a clear memory of.  What I do remember is the torture surged to a sharp peak, followed by the indescribable sensation of breaking like a pane of glass.  I was met with a curious numbness, a silence, no, a quite literal nothing.  I was lost somehow and knew not the way out.  The next bit is hard to explain.  It was as though a hand reached out from somewhere, and having no alternative, I reached out with my own.  A pulling sensation, outward, as though I were inside out and were folding back into shape.  And then I ‘saw’ who the hand belonged to.

It was me.  No, another me.  Like a reflection in my mind.  It looked at me with a curious expression and I observed it with equal wonder.  It spoke.  I don’t remember what he said exactly, but the point was that he said things I wasn’t thinking, moving independently on the inside.  We conversed, trying to comprehend what this was, understand ourselves.  We didn’t have a complete picture then, but the logic of it began to make sense in time, after a fashion.

The darkness inside me, the pain of my life, had been building for years.  I had needed to bottle it up inside me, hiding my true feelings in order to function in the world.  This new pain, so vast in size, added to what was already there, was too much, a critical mass.  At this point it imploded on itself, shattering my mind in the process.  As a kind of survival mechanism, my mind put the pieces back together, but not all in one place.  Where the black tumor had been before, now a mind lived, built around a heart born of darkness.

I must segue briefly to put this another way.  I identify as having Disassociative Identity Disorder (DID), more commonly known as Multiple (or Split) Personalities.  No psych doctor has diagnosed this, but I don’t need a shrink telling me what I already know to be fact.  He exists.  I have lived with this condition since my 17th year, and he has been around longer now than the time previous.  Because of him, I consider myself to be mentally ill.  Accepting my apparent insanity has made it easier to live with and adapt.

Back to the past, I recognized that this new state of being was necessary and permanent.  This being inside of me was intelligent, but innocent in a way, and undoubtedly naive.  This made the next events that much worse.

I gave him more or less free reign early on, letting him take over and experience life.  But within a week of his creation, he saw her, T2, online and got a message from her.  She complained about being “horny”.  This got his attention, and he volunteered himself to oblige her.  She was ok with this, and we went over to her house.  No parent home, they frolicked and made the most of it.  A good time, apparently, was had.  Afterward we went home and some glimmer of hope came about that she might at least be interested in dating him.  Whatever works.

Only a day later she says online she’s not attracted to us anymore.  A most puzzling turn of events to be sure.  His reaction differed greatly from mine, he was enraged, a fury I had never seen before.  It wasn’t enough that she had rejected me.  She had used us.  What a cruel joke this had become.  He vowed to me he would have “justice” for this slight, just another way of saying revenge.  He only felt so strongly about it because somehow in his creation, he had inherited the love I had felt for her.  He had freed me of the burden, only to carry it himself.  This would only complicate his desires.

These early events set the tone for his development, feeding his darkness, and maturing him as a conscious being into something a far cry from normality.

He has never had a proper name, I only call him Shadow, since that is what I see him as, my dark tenant.  He is not human in any recognizable sense.  Calling him “evil” would be an oversimplification though.  An evil person is “immoral”, having bad morals.  Shadow is almost completely amoral, he simply doesn’t have any.  This is part of the reason that not everything he has done while in control of the body has been bad.  He has even helped others, though only to serve his own ends.  He does not have “friends”, whoever he associates with are those he finds useful in some way, either for some specific purpose, or merely for entertainment.  He’s always been a hedonist, and something of a sadist, delighting in the pain of others.  These diversions however, are unrelated to his ultimate goals.

One of these goals is her.  Nearly two decades later he still hungers for vengeance.  And yet she is the only thing he has ever loved, that love being the only human trait he has.  How does he reconcile his love and his hate do you ask?  Simply, he says.  His plan is to take her and own her, like a possession.  He would rip her away from whatever life she has without hesitation or remorse.  He would then, by whatever means available to him, endeavor to change her, to remold her in his desired image, to build his ideal counterpart.  This would be his justice upon her, by taking away her freedom (that he says she misused) and forcing her to atone for the mistake of creating him.  His reasoning is that his existence is painful and unnecessary, and he blames her for creating him.

In a way, I don’t blame him for wanting this.  I remember the pain of that time and to be honest, I think he has a point.  It has never been possible to bring the fullness of the plan to action, much of what he would need isn’t available to him.  But if it were possible, and he could do as he wishes, I can’t say I would stop him.

Nevertheless, I’m the host here, and I run the show in this body.  He respects my position, and refrains from taking actions that would endanger our well being, that being in his own best interests.  It’s a workable arrangement, though he does grow restless these days; he seldom gets to ‘drive’ anymore, he just sleeps and waits.  I used to give him friday nights to go out and have his way, it seemed only fair, without him, I would be dead today.

This is her legacy.  I live with this flavor of madness because of her youthful indiscretions.  She’s a different woman now, I’m sure.  Not even the same girl we loved.  But if my Shadow ever found the means, that would not save her from him.

I am a cage for a monster.

And by the way…

…the monster can still speak.

Expect to hear from him, dear readers.  He is always with me.


Not dying…yet.

I haven’t given up.  On this writing I think about every day but can’t seem to do.  On the life I’m trying to build from the ground up.  On subtracting shots of liquid coping mechanism from my nightly routine.  On the one who stayed, no matter how hard it gets.  On dreams of creation and deconstruction, to become a fountain of beautiful and terrible things.  On reaching out to a cold and hostile world.  On and on and on.  Sometimes trapped in a tiny groove like a record needle that can’t move on.

I wrote a song the other day.  Well, the prototype of one anyway.  Sudden inspiration sitting in class, and I made myself start writing.  Words spilling out of me like an open wound.  It felt good, but I had to try my hardest to suppress my inner critic.  When the pills I swallow every day don’t seem to do enough, I have to get these feelings out somehow.

I’m coming back to this, I swear.  There is so much more to this story.  Nine more tragedies await you, dear readers.  Each carries its own scar and lesson.  Each carved in effigy in the gallery of my mind.  Madness down that road goes,  and strangely enough, I don’t walk it alone.  A shadow follows me and laughs at my mistakes.

So tune in to this avalanche of bits that shine and bites that fester.  I’ll have a morsel or so for you soon.

Tragedy #1: The Curse Begins

First, a Preface

It needs to be known that before these events I was different.  Immature, selfish or at least self-centered, something of an opportunist.  I was more concerned with my own interests than in those of others.  I was often tactless and oblivious to the feelings of others when I spoke.  It is incredible how much one event can trigger so much change.  To be burned away and reborn anew.

The Day

It was my sophomore year in high school, and I was just about in my sixteenth year living.  It was an afternoon in late autumn, the sun was already low in the sky and leaves scurried along the ground in the breeze.  I was walking down a path at school with a pair of friends that I would lose track of in the next couple years.  We must have been on our way to the computer lab to play Quake or something.  The path led down an easy slope to the loading zone loop at the front of the campus.  Nestled between this path and the loop was a flagpole with a few benches circling it.  A girl in my friend’s class was sitting at one of them so he diverted us to her to say hello.  I had never met her or been aware of her existence before, so this would be the first time I actually saw her.

Taking into account my life experience to date, she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.  An unconventional kind of beauty, unique and without flaw.  Her long brown hair draped her shoulders, though the sun lit around her a reddish halo, revealing a kind of auburn in it.  I would come to find she also had a rare eye color: gold, which she would jest about her being doomed to become a Disney villain since most of them had yellow eyes.  I was entranced by her as this friend of mine introduced us, I don’t remember if i was able to say anything or not.

After that they continued on their way and I followed, still quite affected by this experience.  It would be some time before I would even understand what had happened inside me.  I was drawn to her for the rest of that school year, made any effort to see her, moved my lunch spot to where she and her friends took it.  It would be the following summer when she was away that I figured it out.  Curious with myself as to why I was obsessed with her, she was constantly on my mind and I missed her terribly then.  It was that day that I realized I had fallen in love with her.  Tracing events back to the very beginning of it, it had to be love at first sight, which I couldn’t help but believe in then.

I had never experienced so pure a feeling, and it transformed me henceforth.  I was a different person after that, inspired to walk a different road.  For the first time it was not all about me, now it was all about her, she had become my reason for living.  I wanted to make her happy, to share this amazing love with her in the hopes that it would inspire her to love me in return.  However I was also very afraid, I didn’t want to scare her away by being too forward.  I decided I needed to take it slow, be subtle, to eventually get closer to her and share my true feelings.

School resumed and I was set upon my course.  I developed a friendship with her and her friends.  I would go out of my way to do favors for her, anything to show her I care without saying it.  Day after day, the only thing I would really look forward to was spending time with her.

Days turned into weeks turned into months.  There was little progress, if any.  I had managed to take her out on a couple dates but nothing substantial changed.  I even managed to get her to be my date for junior prom, which would turn out disappointing as well.  It was clear enough that I was being rejected.  I was sure that my message of compassion was not getting through.  The glorious feeling I had felt before began to darken and eat away at me, a pain so powerful I could hardly bear it.  But the love I still felt compelled me to carry on, I was incapable of giving up on this.  It was the only thing that had any meaning for me anymore, defining my very existence.

Another summer came and we were apart again.  She spent her summers in Europe with family.  I came to resent my own feelings, desperate to find relief, escape, a way out of the hole I had climbed in.  I remembered someone and made a call.  Many things happened, see also Tragedy #2.

Senior year came and I was no better for my experiences.  I had to endure seeing her date other people, all unworthy of her.  She had always had something of a fan club, people orbiting her like planets ’round the bright center of her solar system.  I would assert that none of them loved her the way I did, it was obvious.  The year dragged on, I sought comfort in others, had some significant experiences.  I lost my virginity with my best female friend.  I tried to date her but it just didn’t feel right, I was too emotionally invested in T#1.  A disaster was on its way, the end of this tragedy was near.

My female friend and her companion were in the library one day and T#1 was there, studying, but she flagged them down to talk to them.  What she said to them, my friend would pass on to me because she believed I should know the truth.  “Thank you for getting him off my back” she said, “I hate that guy”.  A knife to the heart, disbelief, tears and rage.  Even my friendship with T#1 had been a lie, an act she played.  I knew hate that night, it never burns brighter than when love is the fuel.  I saw her in class the very next day and told her I knew what she had said.  She tried to pass it off, like she didn’t mean it that way, some bullshit or another.  My only response was that she had no credibility with me anymore.  I never wanted her to speak to me again.

Maybe she really was out of my league.  Maybe I was just an annoyance to her.  Doesn’t matter, doesn’t change how I felt.  She always wanted to be an actress and she was even better at it than I thought.  You know what’s really shameful?  Some years later I catch myself missing her.  For all pain this had caused me, some part of me still loved her.  I suppose hate burns out eventually but love lives forever.

These events would set a precedent, a pattern of behaviour for me.  This was just the beginning.  History would repeat itself over and over and I would suffer again and again. The lessons of these failures would come slowly as I was compelled to repeat the same mistake.  I would have avoided them but I just can’t help myself, when faced with someone like that, I don’t make the choice, the heart chooses.  Where it goes, I follow.  I would come to call these events my Tragedies, failed relationships, unrequited love, pain and death and rebirth, rinse, repeat.  I would even come to number them, when they became too hard and too many to refer by name.  I had come out of this first one changed forever, a being capable of great love, but somehow doomed to remain alone, rejected.  It lasted a very long time.